Serving Asheville, NC & Surrounding Areas
Septic Tank Services
Licensed & Insured
Mike's Septic Tank Service, your premier septic tank service in Leicester, NC. Installation of aerobic, low pressure, conventional and drip line systems.
The job of a septic tank is to store the water that comes from the toilets and the showers in your home. It is important to keep it running well so that it can do its job of filtering out the solid waste from the liquid waste. The solid waste then goes into a drain field which takes it out to either a dry well or another part of your yard such as a creek or wetland.
To keep your system working well you need to have it inspected by a professional every three years. This will prevent any major complications from happening. Once every 5 years you need to add some tablets that will disinfect the tank and the lines on a rotating basis. The best time to do this is when you are doing your spring cleaning which means you will know exactly when it needs to be done and you won't forget.
You need to be proactive when it comes to septic tank repairs because they can get complicated very quickly if not tended too in a timely manner. If you notice any cracks in your tank or pipes or if there is water coming up through your drain field then those are signs that your system is failing
Contact us Today
Phone: (828) 253-2612
Serving Leicester, NC
Septic Real Estate Inspections- Permit number: 61501